Rayna Alexander (2002-2023)
Dear Greater Hampton Roads Alumni Chapter,
I am reaching out to express my immense gratitude as the recipient of the Rose Marie Anderson Scholarship.
I plan to pursue an integrated undergraduate-graduate degree in international affairs through the Penn State School of International Affairs, as well as write a senior thesis through the Schreyer Honors College. As I continue to pursue my undergraduate education at Penn State, your generous award will aid in alleviating the financial constraints of funding my education at our beloved university.
At Penn State, I work various jobs that both enhance my professional development and passions, in addition to supporting my financial commitment to tuition. Of the many influential roles I fulfill, most notably, I am an undergraduate research assistant under Dr. Powell and Dr. Ouarghidi in the departments of geography and African studies. As an assistant, I realized my overwhelming passion for writing and research, of which I hope to pursue as a career at a foreign policy think tank. I learned to synthesize complex information, analyze government documents in numerous languages, collaborate with members of indigenous African communities, and write publications directed at policymakers, including UN bodies and African governments. I am also the Executive Director of Public Relations for the University Park Undergraduate Association, University Park’s Student Government. In this position I actively work towards the betterment of student life.
Finally, as I mentioned in my application, I worked for the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) as a research intern in the Africa Program. Alongside renowned scholars, former ambassadors, and fellow interns, my work was published as a contributor to the FPRI. I have one (1) article regarding Food Insecurity and Terrorism in Somalia published, and three (3) others at the editor for review (to be published before years end). Thanks to your generous scholarship, my dreams of someday writing for the Council on Foreign Relations are becoming a reality.
Thank you again for your generous award.
With gratitude,
Rayna Alexander
Camille Izdepski (2022-2023)
Dear Greater Hampton Roads Alumni Chapter and The Office of Student Aid Scholarship Committee,
I would personally like to thank you for providing me with the opportunity to apply for this scholarship, but also to be on the receiving end. On the personal side of things, I have been struggling financially, mentally, and physically for the first two weeks of school. During my second year of college my family went through a hard time financially, and my father, who is still active-duty military, was restationed to Norfolk Base again. I moved from my home in Maryland to Virginia, and now live almost 8 hours away.
However, things started getting better by week three and I saw the news today in my email that I received the scholarship. After having an extremely rough first two weeks, I feel like I can breathe and enjoy classes, and continue my academic path for success. I sincerely do thank you, this meant a lot of me and is now motivating me to continue to keep working hard.
Please reach out to me, with anything at all.
Thank you,
Camille M. Izdepski
Penn State Hampton Roads Chapter
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